Sunday, February 28, 2021

'Bovine Rebellion' available for purchase!


Flashback to when Zelda wrestled for a federation powered by sleaze and corruption. Forced to wrestle under the demeaning alias ‘Miss Bovine’ she slogs through a world darkened by segregation. 

As the cowbell becomes heavy around her neck Zelda starts to realize she can either break…or break OUT. 

You can only push cattle so far… 

Purchase HERE! 

Purchase HERE! 

Purchase HERE! 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Bovine Rebellion Preview


Some time ago I asked our Patrons what my next two parter comic should be. The story of Zelda’s uprising from Miss Bovine to a wrestling powerhouse was the winner! 

I'm happy to say that it is now in production and Part 1 should be available by the end of the month :D 

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