Monday, December 10, 2012

Remember these?

So obviously I'm going to start with the pieces I had to delete from deviantArt...

So during Widow's enslavement of Darren she did some things to him that caused a brief panic on deviantArt. Here we see the rotund bitch depriving her slave of air; though it does seem like Darren is finding the good in his predicament. He better enjoy it while he can, however; Widow has countless tortures she intends to put him through before this night is out.

And out comes Widow's clothespin collection. This is her first attempt at seeing how much pain her new slave can take. "Jesus, what a bitch!" you might say. But what you have to understand about Widow is that she only does these horrible things because she finds it funny and it gets her wet at the same time. 

Then there's this one again. It seems Ophelia had just gone through a pretty harsh break up so a bunch of the ladies decide to cheer her up by getting a male stripper to torture and abuse. It seems like I subconsciously modeled this guy after Rick but it's not supposed to be him. Even Rick wouldn't be stupid enough to attend a party involving Leila, Ophelia and Zelda.  


  1. Though Darren would never admit it, he has a bit of a masochistic streak. The pain of the clothespins create a new experience he's never had before; he subconsciously finds it a bit arousing.

  2. is it bad that i'm checking here every day for something new?
